Five Ways to Be Creative (for those who say they can’t)

If you are one of those people that insist you are not artistic, talented, nor creative in the least, it might be time for you to let that idea go.

Change Your Mind

All people are creative, but maybe not in the traditional sense. The trick is to find a way to break down all the limitations and judgments you place on yourself. Stop saying you are not creative. What you are really saying is, “I am afraid my creations will be judged.” Start deciding you will create something you choose to value today. Surrender the control of what others think. Make something you like. The other trick is to begin with something small and manageable, until you are ready to do bigger or more. Here are five ways to get your groove on in the creatives’ world.


No other area of our lives can impact us more than eating. Food preparation is consistently a choice. “It’s hard to cook for just me.” Nope. It is actually in some ways easier. There is no one to please but you.  In fact, I would argue that, for the sake of treating yourself really well, you might decide to step up your food game, especially if you are alone.

Begin with one simple entree`. I like to go low carbs with this one because I have an addictive personality and my metabolism is much slower than it used to be. I might begin with a lovely two-egg omelet of chopped bacon, goat cheese, and avocado. It requires about 30 minutes to make, eat, and clean up.  Use your best dishes! I also love to eat mindfully, to actually taste every bite. Make your meals a mindful ritual. Top it off with an espresso and heavy cream.

Interior Design

Even artists need to try new things until they get better. Remember to begin small. You do not need to spend a ton of money to change your environment. Try something you can manage. Rearrange the furniture, or the wall decor. Hit the garage sales. Declutter some shelves and arrange them mindfully. Paint an old dresser and drape a cloth over the top. Hold a decor swap with your people, exchanging items you no longer use with something they are ready to ditch. Try being weird for once, and display something you just love that defies the current trends.


Creative people take risks. There are so many small ways to have fun with what you wear. Spend a day wearing a new hat. Tie a scarf you love around your neck. Wear red socks with an otherwise plain outfit. Let your freak flag fly! If someone doesn’t approve, just smile. That will shut ’em up.


If you don’t like it, don’t give up. Learn as you go and make room for error. In the garden, not only is the arrangement of your plants a whole thing, which is largely your call, but we can add nonliving art, like an iron statue, or a birdbath to your garden. Maybe keep it simple here. There is no need to create chaos. Then ask yourself, is there anything here I could spray paint? I had a stint with metallic copper one summer. It was great fun!


I know, I know; no one wants their journal to be exposed to the eyes of another. But seriously, get over yourself. Just hide it away to deter the temptation of nosey people. And write your little heart out, free flowing, on literally any topic. The truth is that the more you write, the better you get. Language is meant to be played, not just used to demonstrate technical data.  Letter writing in the old world style might be some fun too!

About Isa Glade - for writers, artists, and patrons

Isa Glade inspires and educates her readers to build a more creative life through her blog She is a retired newspaper columnist and high school teacher. Isa is now a writer, painter, a freelance editor, and writing coach, an intuitive, feminist, mother, recovering addict, and American nomad.

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